The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 170: She’s Definitely Screwed Up in the Head.

Chapter 170: She’s Definitely Screwed Up in the Head.

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The five, casket-like sleeping pods lay in front of Hao Ren. He could scarcely believe that these things simply popped out of thin air. As he was looking at the control panels of the pods, something Raven 23333 said caused him to turn his head rapidly in her direction. “Worsening? What’s worsening?”

“The Plane of Dreams. Didn’t 12345 tell you anything?” There was a hint of surprise in Raven 23333’s voice. “Oh…seems like she has her own plans regarding this. It would be remiss of me to divulge too much. Ask her yourself when she gets back.”

Hao Ren’s jaw had yet to complete it’s drop before he hauled it back up and swallowed all the questions he wanted to ask. He pointed at the pods. “Say… How am I bringing this back? I don’t suppose teleportation would work…”

“Use your Dimensional Pocket?”

Hao Ren shook his head. “Ugh… it hasn’t been unlocked yet.”

“Not yet?” Raven 23333 was surprised. “But, based on what I saw in your profile, the authorisation for your Dimensional Pocket should have already been approved… Let me have a look.”

Raven 23333 squinted as her eyes went still for a short moment. An embarrassed expression soon appeared across her face. “Seems like 12345 has forgotten about it.”

“I knew it!” Hao Ren exclaimed.

“Oh well, she’s always forgetful when it comes to things like this. Don’t mind her.” Raven 23333 said as she snapped her fingers. “Let me authorise that for you… and now you have the Dimensional Pocket. It is bound to your soul frequency and can be used within the borders of the empire and where the Imperial Data Network is available. Give it a try. It’s like using the MDT with your mind. You will probably feel disorientated on your first try. It takes a while getting used to the dimensional shift but, the Data Network will help you calibrate that.”

Hao Ren was skeptical that a new ability was unlocked this fast. He though Raven 23333 would have to be pushing pens and papers to get his authorisation approved. He wanted to take a nap in the pod. Excited with his newfound ability, he eagerly activated the Dimensional Pocket. The sensation was almost similar to the first time he activated the MDT. As he focused his thoughts, he felt his senses being pulled into a different subconscious state.

An empty dimension appeared in his mind. The space was independent of sight, touch and hearing, a sensation that was beyond a human’s five senses. That said, being human himself, Hao Ren’s access to the dimension was through thought-signals.

He felt so at ease with the Dimensional Pocket that he did not need to use the user manual. Raven 23333 was right. The Data Network would help in calibrating and processing the storage of items. Hao Ren just needed to set a wide enough space to get things started.

After understanding the ins and outs of the Dimensional Pocket, Hao Ren was really excited. He finally had one to call his own. After working for the Celestials for so long, he finally got one of the abilities most essential to his quality of life. He dreamed of the coming days where he did not have to bother about bringing a luggage anymore…

As the excitement glowed on his face, Raven 23333 threw him a pitiful glance, “It’s hard working for 12345 eh?”

Hao Ren had not snapped out of his euphoria when he heard that and could only answer with a late, “Huh?” He then heard Raven 23333 continue, “Raven 12345 is screwed up in the head and it’s still not cured.”

“Ahem…” Hao Ren coughed as he cleared his throat. He looked at 23333 wearily and thought that the two goddess may have had some unsavory past. “I think 12345 is a pretty decent person. Bad mouthing her at this time…”

“Oh, don’t misunderstand me. I’m on good terms with her. She’s my senior after all. Raven 23333’s face was serious without any hint of humor around. “There’s something wrong with her psyche. A long time ago, when she was in the front lines, her Cognitive Core was damaged. But, because she felt that it was not affecting her work despite being brain damaged, she refused to get it fixed. Even until now she’s pretty neurotic.”

Raven 23333 then sighed deeply. “Haih… After that, she became the oddball among the Ravens. She forwent our graceful spells and started dabbling in techno-sorcery with a fanatic zeal. Even when she fights, she likes to get up-close and personal. I’ve even heard that she took someone’s Zankantou as her personal weapon and called herself an Eldritch Knight… We kept advising her to seek treatment but she simply won’t listen.”

Hao Ren was already stunned silly by then. He never thought that the crazy goddess he teased so much to be really damaged in the head. He took another look at Raven 23333’s face to reconfirm and he did not see a single shred of pretense on her face. He resignedly accepted the fact that his boss was a real lunatic…

“…You guys don’t even let someone that damaged go, eh?” Hao Ren said as he wiped off the cold sweat from his head. “Why did she even come to work? No medical leaves?”

“Well… it doesn’t affect her work.” Raven 23333 waved off Hao Ren’s concerns. “Besides, her situation isn’t all that serious. Aside from the occasional neuroticism, she is one of the better workers. You see her acting normal most of the time, no?”

Hao Ren wanted to quip that Raven 12345’s attitude at work was almost horrible and that the crazy goddess should pop a pill to calm herself down. But after a while, he decided against it. A cured Raven 12345 may just be too different than the one he already knew. He had already gotten used to her willful, random ways. If she reverted to the likes of Raven 23333, who was deadpan serious about everything, he would probably not survive his job…

Also, he was unsure if Raven 12345 was not able to hear him bitching about her. With her current mental state, Hao Ren was sure that she would take revenge on him. If a normal woman was calculative enough, a goddess would be even more so… Not to mention that she was still screwed in the head. He dreaded to think of the punishment she would inflict on him…

Under Raven 23333’s guidance, Hao Ren’s first attempt in using the Dimensional Pocket was smooth sailing. While it took him some time to focus and control the pocket, he finally got all five sleeping pods stored. Since he had nothing else to do after that and thought that any further reports should go directly to 12345, he took his leave.

The storm clouds and lightning outside the mansion seemed to have subsided a little. While the dark mist still encompassed the area, the chill wind was no longer blew. Raven 23333 personally sent Hao Ren out to the plaza of the mansion as he turned back to say his farewells. He then noticed a trail of smoke coming from the back of the mansion.

Hao Ren recalled the meltdown incident in the room previously and the subsequent explosion that followed. He was sure something blew up and lo and behold, the mansion had a new hole thanks to it.

Hopefully Raven 12345 would not take offense at her junior punching a hole in her place.

Raven 23333 stood by the mansion with a smile as he nodded and left. The scene was etched in his mind for a very long time.

While Hao Ren could have simply teleported home, he did not go home straight away. He went to town instead. He quickly paid the electronics store a visit and bought two new items. A solid and reliable MP5 device, and a solar-powered charger.

He needed to plan this trip into The Plane of Dreams properly and he tried to get every possible preparatory work done. He also remembered that he needed to get Becky the Mercenary a music box. He did not feel right being under her care and hitching a free ride along the way. Moreover, he did not even get a chance to say goodbye when he left. He also needed to figure out the matter of the dental issues those silly, black wolves were having. He still had to ask Lily if she had any expertise on that.

Hao Ren was a man of his word and he intended to stay true to that.

He then went into the supermarket to buy a boatload of items; mostly food and drinks. He pretty much spent every penny in his wallet before he called it a day. The amount he bought scared the daylights out of the cashiers. It took him a lot of effort to move his purchases to a secluded spot before he stored everything into the Dimensional Pocket. He figured that having your basic necessities on hand was a smart move.

It was hard to say if this round of binge shopping was done at a whim because of the Dimensional Pocket. This idiot actually wanted to try storing the stone lion statue in front of the supermarket…

Translator’s Thoughts

Seraphica Seraphica

Well, never thought I’d see weapons from games being mentioned here. So for the uninitiated, there’s a brief description of the weapons the author mentioned.

Zankantou (斬艦刀) aka Ship-Cleaver/Colossal Blade is the HUUUUGEEEE signature weapon of Sanger Zonvolt’s mech Dygenguar (Dynamic General Guardian) from Super Robot Wars : Original Generations.

And of course, Frostmourne, the sword of the Lich King in Warcraft III.

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